I.K.F. Headquarter - 237 ter , avenue Sainte Marguerite 06200-Nice , France     Registration nr. 0062027610

International Kempo MMA & Shidokan - Seminar

July 2, 2012, Venus, Romania

International Kempo MMA & Shidokan  - Seminar

Another great international seminar organized by the Romanian Kempo Federation under the umbrella of IKF , have been already finished.

Instructors and students coming from Japan, Iran, Azerbaijan, USA and Romania, trained hard for 7 days , between 23-29 June 2012 .

Kancho Soeno Yosiji (Japan) , Mohamad Tabatabai (USA) , Behnam Azanpanah (IRAN) , Mushfiq Baylarov (Azerbaijan) and the host , Kaicho Amatto Zaharia (Romania) made a very pleasant time to all participants.

Thank you all !

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