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Codi Duyster in Romania (IKF Seminar)

April 9, 2011, Bucharest , Romania

Codi Duyster in Romania (IKF Seminar)

Codi Duyster , the Director of the IKF Traditional Kempo departament , had a work meeting with the IKF Executive-President , Amatto Zaharia , in Bucharest-Romania , at the headquarter of the Romanian Kempo Federation .

By this ocassion they agreed the way of organizing Traditional Kempo divisions during the IKF World Kempo Championships in between 23-27.May.2011 in Sankt-Petersburg,Russia .

On the other hand Codi Duyster , made trainings with some of romanian athletes , trying to show them parts of Kata .

In the last day of the seminar , Codi Duyster trained Claudette , a well-known romanian singer , few self-defense techniques .

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