Afghanistan Ariana Karate Association Associated Member 1710 represented by:Ahmad Fawad Hassanzadah official position:President phone:0093 799232066 fax:www.arianakarate.com email:info@arianakarate.com Office address:Khair khana 1st part kabul Afghanistan. P.O.Box # 258 Kabul Afghanistan
Algeria Algerie Martial Arts Federation (Kempo Department) Full Member - represented by:Mohamed Ghezali official position:Kempo-Technical Director email:m.ghezali@hotmail.com Office address:Olympique Mohamed Boudiaf Dely Ibrahim - Alger
Argentina American Kenpo - IDDIS Association Argentina Associated Member - represented by:Carlos Miguel Wollman official position:President phone:+54 (0299) 154104698 email:kenpo-iddis@hotmail.com Office address:Misiones 385, Cutral-Có / CP: 8322, Neuquen, Argentina
Armenia Armenia Kempo Federation Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Vardan Galstyan email:kempoarmenia@kempoikf.com Office address:Tumanyan Highway , 1702 Alaverdi
Australia Australian Kempo Federation Associated Member INC9896628 represented by:Kancho Johanes WONG official position:President phone:+61 418 466 567 phone:+61 401 524 805 ( Mr. Fulga ) fax:http://www.AussieKempo.com email:kempoaustralia@kempoikf.com Office address:4 Barker St. Rooty Hill - Sydney NSW 2766 Australia
Australia International Jiu Long Kempo Karate Society Associated Member 15129934390 represented by:Mr. Michael Martino official position:President phone:+61 8 409 998 303 email:admin@ninedragon.org.au Office address:PO Box 5397 CANNING VALE SOUTH, WA 6155 , Australia
Azerbaijan TOGRUL club of east fight and single combat Full Member 0105P10542486 represented by:RAUF IBRAHIMOV official position:President phone:+994506107379 phone:www.kempo.az fax:+994125140904 email:senseiibrahimli@gmail.com Office address:Azerbaijan Rep., Baku, Haydar Aliyev ave. 80/1 fl. 36 index AZ 1033
Bangladesh Bangladesh Kempo Association Associated Member 137 represented by:Humayun Kabir official position:President phone:008801674601071 phone:008801974601071 fax:0088 02 8399725 email:kempobangladesh@kempoikf.com Office address:105, Rokeya Tower,(Power Gym) ,West Dolairpar Dhaka- 1204, Bangladesh
Belarus Sport Martial Arts League Associated Member 04-0266 represented by:Alexander Maltabarov email:kempobelarus@kempoikf.com Office address:Belarus, Grodno
Belgium Belgian Kempo Organisation [B.K.O.] Associated Member www.kempo-karate.be represented by:Daniel Hayen official position:Président phone:32.2.569.69.93 phone:32.475.619419 email:sijo.daniel.hayen@gmail.com Office address:Sikkelstraat 9, 1703 Schepdaal, Belgium
Bolivia American Kempo Karate Systems Bolivia Associated Member 062410 represented by:RODRIGO FERNANDEZ INZA official position:President phone:591 3 3123863 email:kempobolivia@kempoikf.com Office address:Equipetrol Call3 5 Oeste N114
Bosnia and Herzegovina Budo Kempo Ryu Organization Associated Member * email:kempobosnia@kempoikf.com Office address:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hertzegovina
Brazil Brazil - AKKS Associated Member - represented by:Alexandre Gabriel da Silva official position:President phone:55 47 9999-9500 fax:55 47 3348-7719 email:alexkenpo@hotmail.com Office address:Avenida Vereador Abrahão João Francisco, 250. Itajaí - SC. Brasil
Bulgaria National Federation Bulgarian Kempo - BULKEMPO Full Member 002525 / 13.4.2011 represented by:Velin Hadjolov official position:President phone:+359-885-815-335 email:bakf2001@yahoo.com Office address:1172 Sofia, Bulgaria , jk. Dianabad, bl. 5-V, ap.29, fl.5
Cameroon NATIONAL FIGHTING SPORTS MULTI-MARTIAL ARTS ASSOCIATION Associated Member DECISION N°: 066/MINSEP/SG/DNSOS/SDN/SDC/BA.- represented by:GUY BERTRAND OLOMO official position:President phone:00237 242 85 85 14 phone:00237 661 02 96 90 fax:00237 242 85 85 14 email:nfsmma@gmail.com Office address:BP/ 413 - YDE - CAMEROON
Canada Chinese Kara-ho Kempo Organization Associated Member * represented by:Michael Saeki phone:(619) 443-2611 email:kempocanada@kempoikf.com
Colombia Federacion Colombiana de Kenpo Associated Member www.facebook.com/federacioncolombianadekenpo represented by:Shihan Daniel Tabares official position:President phone:(+57) 317 509 8147 email:fedekenpocolombia@gmail.com Office address:Carrera 80 d Nº 9-87 Barrio Valladolid, Bogotá / Colombia.
Congo Federation Congolaise de Kempo Associated Member 0062027610 represented by:Roger MATA official position:President phone:+243998122967 phone:+243856240163 email:kempo.rdc@gmail.com Office address:avenue du commerceN°34- commune de la gombe, kinshasa-Congo Democratic
Croatia HRVATSKI NANBUDO SAVEZ Federation Associated Member * phone:00 385 98 210 209 email:kempocroatia@kempoikf.com Office address:Zagreb, Croatia
Dominican Republic Dominican Kempo Organization Associated Member - represented by:HUNSON ENCARNACION official position:President email:sowinrra@hotmail.com
Egypt Egyprian Martialarts Association Associated Member - represented by:Ihab Mohamed Hassan Eyada official position:President phone:+20168541678 fax:+20643960501 email:kempoegypt@kempoikf.com Office address:Ismailia , Egypt
Estonia Estonian Kempo/Karate Federation Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Rando Zagre official position:President email:kempoestonia@kempoikf.com Office address:Tallinn, Estonia
France Commission Nationale de kenpo Full Member 0062020779 / 26.12.1997 represented by:Shihan Eric La Rocca official position:President phone:(+33) 662131821 email:kenpofrance@yahoo.fr Office address:237 ter, Avenue sainte Marguerite 06200 Nice
Georgia Georgian National Hapkido Federation Associated Member 03/9-37 represented by:Davit Babuadze official position:President phone:(00) 995 32 324128 fax:(00) 995 324105 email:kempogeorgia@kempoikf.com Office address:Kandelaki 4/22 0160 Tbilisi Georgia
Germany Shorin Kempo Ryu Full Member * represented by:Mr. Olaf Bock official position:President email:kempogermany@kempoikf.com Office address:Pützstr. 6-8, D-53129 Bonn Kessenich
Hungary Hungarian Kempo Association Full Member 11978 represented by:Adam Illes Lacza official position:President phone:(+ 36) 20 3335599 phone:www.hungariankempo.hu email:president@hungariankempo.hu Office address:H-1026 Budapest, Hazman u. 5th
India Sports Kempo Association of India Associated Member - represented by:Dr. Ravi Lalwani official position:President phone:91 98 211 54 241 email:ravilalwaniamaf@yahoo.co.in Office address:71, Jasmet, 12th Road, Vithal Nagar Co-op Soc., J.V.P.D. Scheme Mumbai - 400 049.
Indonesia PORKEMI (Persatuan Olahraga Kempo Indonesia - United Kempo Sport Indonesia) Associated Member Member of Indonesian Olympic Committee represented by:Timbul Thomas Lubis official position:Founder phone:+62 811-900-909 fax:ttlubis@gmail.com email:lubis@lgslaw.co.id Office address:Menara Imperium Lt. 30, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta 12980
Iran IRAN KEMPO ORGANIZATION Associated Member * represented by:Seyed Hossein Moghadasi official position:President phone:+ 98 918 60 27 002 phone:Telegram/Whatsapp: + 98 918 162 38 92 fax:+98 86 331 32 216 email:moghadasihossein@yahoo.com Office address:14-13-6 shahr-e-sanati, Arak, Iran (postal code: 38198-37773)
Iran IRAN KEMPO COMMITTEE Associated Member - represented by:AMIR HOSSEIN RAHSEPAR official position:President phone:+989122155069 fax:www.kempo.pro email:Info@kempo.pro Office address:No.555, 3rd office floor, Bahar apartment, Bahar st., Tehran, Iran
Iraq International Perfect Kempo/Karate Organization - IPKO Associated Member * represented by:Abolfazl Askarian official position:President phone:+98 - 9192101587 email:kempoiraq@kempoikf.com Office address:P. O. Box No: 14155 - 755, Tehran, Iraq
Italy Federazione Italiana Nippon Kempo Associated Member * email:kempoitaly@kempoikf.com Office address:Palermo , Italy
Japan Japan Sogo Kempo Federation Full Member 1600-05-008052 represented by:Nishizaka Rei official position:Secretary General phone:+81.77.524.8624 fax:http://www.sogokempo.org email:office@sogokempo.org Office address:704, 1-6-6, Oojigaoka, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, 520-0025, Japan
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan National Federation of Kempo Ju-Jitsu Combat Sport Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Kanat Tleumbetov official position:President phone:+77013400039 fax:http://www.cjj.kz email:sakskivoin-uak@mail.ru Office address:Almaty, Kazahstan
Kuwait KUWAIT KEMPO FEDERATION Associated Member - represented by:Hossein Ali Kaab Omeir official position:President phone:+965 67037371 phone:+965 22929515 fax:+965 22492220 email:Hkaabq8@gmail.com Office address:Kuwait, Salmiya, Ras Al-Salmiya Gym
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Kempo/Karate Federation Associated Member * phone:+996 555 242 email:kempokyrgyzstan@kempoikf.com Office address:720054 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Latvia All Kempo-Kai Organization Associated Member * email:kempolatvia@kempoikf.com Office address:Riga , Latvia
Lithuania Lithuanian Kempo / Budokai Organization Associated Member * email:kempolithuania@kempoikf.com Office address:Vilnius, Lithuania
Mexico Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas-IPN Associated Member - represented by:Sergio Arturo Tenorio Sánchez official position:inador de Kenpo - Defensa Personal del IPN phone:57296000 ext. 62451 email:kempomexico@kempoikf.com Office address:Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n C.P. 11340. Colonia Casco de Sto. Tomás Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo, México, D.F.
Moldova Kempo Federation of Moldova Full Member 1011620003431 / 30.01.2002 represented by:Valentin Vizant official position:President phone:Tel: (022) 83-57-77 phone:Tel: +37379900074 email:info@kempo.md Office address:Ciuflea srt 32, ap.4, Kishinau, Moldova
Mongolia MONGOLIA KEMPO FEDERATION Associated Member - represented by:Master Taivan Naruntaya official position:President phone:+976 88775158 email:taivan_naran@yahoo.com Office address:Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Montenegro Montenegro Kempo Dojo Organization Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Kosic Savo official position:President email:kempomontenegro@kempoikf.com Office address:Niksic, Montenegro
Morocco Comité National de Kenpo Full Member no: 2526 date 29 april 1999 represented by:Ahmed Nahal official position:President of the National Committee of Kenpo phone:(+ 212) 67 98 97 558 email:nahal_ikfreferee@yahoo.fr Office address:Boite postale 169, Mehdya Kasbah Kenitra - Maroc
Nepal Nepal Kempo Khukuri Association Associated Member - represented by:Shihan Sanjay Mahat official position:Vice-President phone:9803375136 phone:9841718150 email:mahpratikshya@gmail.com Office address:Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal Nepal National Martial Art Games Confederation Associated Member 66-‘c’ represented by:Mr. Sowyamvu Raj Dangol official position:President phone:977-1-5590907 phone:977-9841209831 fax:977-1-5546331 email:kemponepal@kempoikf.com Office address:GPO Box 8975 EPC 1885, Ntional Sports Council, Tripureswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Netherlands Kempo Associatie Nederland (KAN) Full Member S 41204899 / 10 oktober 1985 represented by:Sifu Edward Hartman official position:President phone:0030 2883688 email:edward_hartman@hotmail.com Office address:Jungfrau 107, 3524 WJ Utrecht
Nigeria Kempo Federation of Rivers State Nigeria Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Olalere Mofoluwaso Olatomide official position:President email:kemponigeria@kempoikf.com Office address:Port Harcourt, Rivers State , Nigeria
North Cyprus TRNC KEMPO Associated Member * represented by:Mehmet İngenç official position:President phone:0533 883 6695 email:kktckempo@gmail.com Office address:Cumhuriyet sokak no:10 Yeni İskele, North Cyprus
Pakistan Pakistan KEMPO Federation Associated Member - represented by:Sensei Moin Udin official position:Secretary general phone:+923429751428 email:Pakkempofederation@gmail.com Office address:Islamabad, Pakistan
Pakistan PAKISTAN KEMPO FEDERATION Associated Member 13205 represented by:Shaukat Ali official position:President phone:+923003988076 phone:+923337970527 fax:+92812865526 email:kempopakistan@gmail.com Office address:H.No.5-13/1088, Near Govt. Girls High School, Sirki Kallan, Sirki Road,P.O.Box No. 361 Quetta, 87300 Pakistan
People's Republic of China Shanghai Kenpo in Pudong Associated Member * represented by:Johny Kuan official position:President email:kempochina@kempoikf.com Office address:700 # Biyun Road ,Jin Qing, Pudong
Poland Polish Budo Federation Associated Member * represented by:Wieslaw Kisiel official position:President phone:(017) 857112 email:kempopoland@kempoikf.com
Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Lohan Tao Full Member 510198341 represented by:Dr. Bruno Rebelo official position:President phone:00351 963434104 fax:00351 963434104 email:federacao.portuguesa.lohantao@gmail.com Office address:Expoeste - Av. Infante D. Henrique, nr. 2 2500 – 918 Caldas da Rainha – Portugal
Romania Federatia Romana de Kempo Full Member Recognized by National Olympic Committee B/C/00001/2009 represented by:Kaicho Amatto Zaharia official position:President phone:004-0723 38 48 24 fax:004-021-335 35 80 email:amattokai@yahoo.com Office address:Bd. Marasesti 76 , sect. 4 , Bucharest - ROMANIA
Russia Russian Kempo Federation Full Member 1047831005078, data 31/08/04 represented by:Shihan Ruslan Akumov official position:President phone:+7-9111509046 email:ukado@yandex.ru Office address:Russia, Saint Petersburg (http://kempo.su)
Serbia KBK SMEDEREVO Kempo Federation Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Stevo Pavlovic phone:+381 64 269 259 email:kemposerbia@kempoikf.com Office address:Pozarevak, Serbia
Slovakia Slovak Kempo Federation Full Member V V S/1-900/90-11349 represented by:Sensei Robert Sayka official position:President phone:(+421) 905 360 205 email:kempo-slovakia@mail.t-com.sk Office address:Eötvösová ul. 45 / 1 , Komárno
Spain Spanish Karate Federation/Kenpo Associated Member * represented by:José Maria Mendez Lopez official position:President email:kempospain@kempoikf.com Office address:Madrid, Spain
Sweden Swedish Kempo Federation Associated Member 847000-8924 represented by:Sensei Martin Jonsson official position:President phone:+46739290970 email:senseimartin@swekempo.com Office address:Mster Henriksgatan 10b, 21158 Malm, Sweden
Syria ALOMMAL KEMPO FEDERATION Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Mohamed Kasem Al Ali official position:President email:kemposyria@kempoikf.com Office address:Idleb , Syria , PO Box 36
Tunisia Association Tunisienne de Kempo Et Discipline Associe Associated Member 7.632 / 2011G06346APSF1 represented by:Mr. Thabet Naghmouchi official position:President phone:+216 97 447 256 phone:+216 22 408 109 fax:www.kempotunisie.org.tn email:kempotunisia@kempoikf.com Office address:18 Janvier - 2020 Sidi Thabet - Ariana, Tunisia
Tunisia Unoin Tunisienne de Kempo et arts defensif Associated Member - represented by:Belhay Trifi | Walid Tahri official position:President | Technical Director phone:0021622820916 phone:0021621036987 email:tahri81@gmail.com Office address:Takssim Guizani Jdeida 1124, Tunis
Turkey Kempo Federation of Turkey Associated Member * represented by:Halis Avsar official position:President phone:Tarkan Özçiçek (Vice-President) phone:02126626220 | #Coach 05325109505 fax:+902126626220 | www.kempofederasyonu.com email:halisavsar@hotmail.com Office address:Demiryolu Caddesi Ok İş Merkezi No:7/D Yeşilköy BAKIRKÖY / Istanbul, Turkey
Ukraine Federation Kempo Ukraine Associated Member 610 / 03 october 2012 represented by:Sych Igor official position:President phone:+380953317255 email:kempoukraine@kempoikf.com Office address:Street Ruskaya 226 D, Cernauti, Ukraine
United Kingdom British Kenpo 5.0 Organization Associated Member * represented by:Paul Leworthy official position:President email:kempounitedkingdom@kempoikf.com Office address:9 Harts Close, Exeter, Devon. UK. EX1 3RY
United States The American Kempo-Karate Association Full Member - represented by:Hanshi Ray Ferrell , Mr. Robert Zingg official position:President , Director of Communication phone:704-393-1077 (Mr. Ray Ferrell) phone:304-261-0160 (Mr. Robert Zingg) email:kempounitedstates@kempoikf.com Office address:Mr. Ray Ferrell, 5760 Oak Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 27216, USA
Venezuela Venezuela Kenpo Federation Associated Member - represented by:Jose Aponte official position:President email:kempovenezuela@kempoikf.com Office address:Caracas-Venezuela
Yemen Yemen Boxing and Kickboxing Federation Associated Member * represented by:Mr. Ali Dawod Mohsen Al-Sowadi official position:Vis presedent email:kempoyemen@kempoikf.com Office address:Sanaa - Yemen